Our Research Group

Professor Monique McClain
She started her current role in fall 2021 at Purdue. She had a postdoc position with Oak Ridge National Laboratories from 2020 to 2021. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. in AAE from Purdue University in 2020 and 2018 respectively. Prior to that, she received her B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from UCSD. Through her NSTRF fellowship, she interned at NAWCWD China Lake and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Her interests beyond work are weightlifting, biking, baking, knitting, and cuddling with her cat. She is happy to be invited to participate in seminars, workshops, and panels related to her research interests and to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering.

Mitchell Donoughue
I work on dissimilar material printing (DMP) which aims to print energetic filament using fused filament fabrication (FFF) alongside propellant using vibration assisted printing (VAP). This energetic filament burns faster than propellant, allowing a full propellant grain as well as tailoring of the thrust profile.

Anna Keim
Expected Graduation May 2026
I’m working on anomaly detection for FDM printers.
I love listening to podcasts, hiking, and board games.

Bryce Bowles
In the past I have studied properties of energetics and the efficacy of printing high explosives through hybrid manufacturing, primarily binder jetting mixed with vibration assisted printing (VAP). I am currently working on a ceramics team to study the properties of SLA printed ceramics in the aerospace and defense industries. I love to play sand volleyball, golf, read books, and play board games

Jim Plotzkes
Expected Graduation Date May 2025
My subgroup is Multi-Formulation Printing (MFP), which utilizes VAP to extrude layered, UV-curable materials. I am focused on the reliable printing and combustion modeling of layered composite propellant. The end goal is the ability to print radially layered propellant grains for sounding rockets with thrust curves tailored using multiple formulations.

Joshua Anderson
Expected Graduation Date May 2024

Blake Harris
I have been researching anomaly detection in Fused Deposition
(FDM) printing.
I love to watch movies, learn about new types of Mathematics and
new music to listen too.

Ashish Bhave
I am working on multi-formulation 3D printing.

Shashank Namboodiri
Expected Graduation May 2024
I love working with FDM 3d printers. I have previously worked in the Anomaly Detection group in making mounts for sensors and collecting and analyzing data using python. I work with experiment design in this lab and currently work on the DMP project.

Jaylen Young
I'm currently working on detecting anomalies in additively
I like weightlifting, building rockets, and I love music.

Rishie Seshadri
Former member of the Anomaly Detection sub-team, current member of the Dissimilar Materials Printing (DMP) team.